Public Works

Bulk Waste – (select Solid Waste)

How many days do you service my area for bulk waste?
Is there a limit as to how much bulk waste can be placed curbside for pickup?
What are Bulk Items?

Bulk waste pick up

Is there a limit as to how much bulk waste can be placed curbside for pickup?
What are Bulk Items?

Bulk Waste

How many days do you service my area for bulk waste?
Is there a limit as to how much bulk waste can be placed curbside for pickup?
What are Bulk Items?

Clean Stormwater Pipe(s)

Georgia Stormwater Prevention Guidebook

Community Services / works

How can I pay for a "Tree For Fee" service?


APWA Reporter / Stormwater Issue
Rainwater Customer Contact Notice
Rainwater Informational Brochure

Recycling Related

Can I mix trash with my recycling?
How can I find out my recycle pick day?
What is Columbus' recycling program?
What type of service is provided for recycling?

ROW/ Beautification

Can I place signs on the ROW?
Driveway Damage Letter

Solid Waste / Household Garbage Collection

Can I interact with the inmates removing the garbage, recycling, and yard waste from my home?
How and where can I find the location of the landfill to dump bulk items?
How can I pay for a "Tree For Fee" service?
How many days do you service my area?
How many tires can be stored on site?
How much are commercial garbage fees?
How much is the monthly garbage fee for my home?
I am doing a remodeling project and I want to know what type of waste you do not accept?
Is there a limit as to how much bulk waste can be placed curbside for pickup?
What are Bulk Items?
What day do you accept hazardous waste?
What garbage or waste will you not take?
What if I choose not to use the "Tree For Fee"?
What if the garbage truck missed my stop?
What is a stockpiling violation?
Where should I place my garbage containers for pickup?
Which landfill can I dispose of concrete waste from remodeling?

Tree for Fee Dispute

What if I choose not to use the "Tree For Fee"?

Tree Planting

Tree Planting Request doorhanger

Urban Forestry

Driveway Damage Letter
Tree Planting Request doorhanger
Urban Forestry and Right of Way Maintenance Doorhanger

Yard Waste Collection

Can I mix trash with my yard waste item?
How can I pay for a "Tree For Fee" service?
How many days do you service my area for bulk waste?
How many days do you service my area?
If I need some trees removed off my property, what number do I contact?
Is it possible to leave my yard waste on the curbside without placing the items in bags?
Is there a cost for the "Tree For Fee" service?
Is there a limit as to how much bulk waste can be placed curbside for pickup?
What are Bulk Items?
What garbage or waste will you not take?
What if I choose not to use the "Tree For Fee"?
What if I have long limbs and brushes?
What is considered yard waste?
What is the tipping fee?
What yard waste items are not collected curbside?
Which landfill can I dispose of concrete waste from remodeling?

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